So two days into it all, time flies by with the speed of light.
All around us tornadoes cause havoc, this time people are in serious danger and there are casualties.
But is is around us...
We are safe and sound, so the homefront needs not to worry.
I understand that the national newsprogramme for kids mentioned us once more in this context.
All these impressions are a bit much to take in at times.
It is so overwhelming, more than a thousand contesants, times three leagues, small lego-robots and huge contraptions that resemble tanks and rise up far above me.
My son is running around on adrenaline and candy, normaly I would not aggree but in this case : "when in Rome do as the Romans!" .
Or here we would have to apply Saint Louis in to that sentence, so there you go.
The whole world is here in this arena!
From South Korea to Toronto, Taiwan , Israel, and ehm well...The Netherlands.
It's like a giant antfarm in here....
The sequence of practice runs, Body Forward-presentations, the actual competition is getting familiar now, though the kids are very very tired.
And there's two more days to go.
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