There were test-results to consider and kitchen-sink-dramas, there was work and all the rest.
Somehow America always seemed far away, another level.
And now it's only a week before my son and me embark on a trip we will hopefully enjoy and memorize step by step for the rest of our lives.
Friends and family around us are getting excited as well, if it were up to them I am busy writing postcards, emails and text-messages to them all day for a week.
It's lovely though, that they all are as giddy about this as we are, I wish I could bring them all along on this journey, that would be something...
And it's so much fun to see how serious and thoughtful my son is about us traveling together, just the two of us for the first time.
And though it will be a bit lonely without the other half of our family, he so much looks forward to the hotel (never been in such a great place!), the hot-dogs and the diners (he brings all his pocket-money to treat me on a real American meal!), the taxis, the sounds, the smells, the people he will meet...
Traveling expands the mind.
Long before the journey starts.
Goeie reis/safe travels!